Physical Mechanism of Superconductivity,
Part II - Superconductivity and Superfluidity

Yu-Ru Ge, Xin Zhao, Hong Zhao, Xue-Shu Zhao,



The transition mechanism of metal - insulator in metal oxides is discussed in detail, which is a part of the mechanism of superconductivity. Through the study of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene superconductor and other new findings on superconductivity, we further demonstrate that the physical mechanism of superconductivity proposed in the Part 1 is the only correct way to handle the properties of superconductivity in various materials. We propose that superfluid helium consists of normal liquid helium mixed with high-energy helium atoms. Based on this new model, all peculiar features discovered in superfluid helium can be truly understood, such as its climb on the container′s wall, its fountain effect, the kapitza conductance, the discontinuity of specific heat capacity at phase transition, as well as the maintaining mass current in ring-shaped container. We demonstrate that the high-energy particles play a driving force role in both superconductors and superfluid helium, and therefore dominate their properties.

Keywords: superconductivity, the magic-angle twisted bi-layer graphene, superfluidity superfluid helium.

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Physical Mechanism Of Superconductivity

Part 1- High-Tc Superconductors

Xue-Shu Zhao, Yu-Ru Ge, Xin Zhao, Hong Zhao



The physical mechanism of superconductivity is proposed on the basis of carrier-induced dynamic strain effect. By this new model, superconducting state consists of the dynamic bound state of superconducting electrons, which is formed by the high-energy nonbonding electrons through dynamic interaction with their surrounding lattice to trap themselves into the three - dimensional potential wells lying in energy at above the Fermi level of the material. The binding energy of superconducting electrons dominates the superconducting transition temperature in the corresponding material. Under an electric field, superconducting electrons move coherently with lattice distortion wave and periodically exchange their excitation energy with chain lattice, that is, the superconducting electrons transfer periodically between their dynamic bound state and conducting state, so the superconducting electrons cannot be scattered by the chain lattice, and supercurrent persists in time. Thus, the intrinsic feature of superconductivity is to generate an oscillating current under a dc voltage. The wave length of an oscillating current equals the coherence length of superconducting electrons. The coherence lengths in cuprates must have the value equal to an even number times the lattice constant. A superconducting material must simultaneously satisfy the following three criteria required by superconductivity. First, the superconducting materials must possess high – energy nonbonding electrons with the certain concentrations required by their coherence lengths. Second, there must exist three – dimensional potential wells lying in energy at above the Fermi level of the material. Finally, the band structure of a superconducting material should have a widely dispersive antibonding band, which crosses the Fermi level and runs over the height of the potential wells to ensure the normal state of the material being metallic. According to the types of potential wells, the superconductors as a whole can be divided into two groups: the conventional and high temperature superconductors. The puzzling behavior of the cuprates, such as the complex phase diagrams, the linear dependence of resistivity with temperature in their normal states, the pseudogap, the transition temperature increasing with the number of the CuO 2 planes in the unit cell of Bi(Tl)-based compounds, the lattice instabilities and hardening in superconducting state, and the symmetries of superconducting waves, etc. all can be uniquely understood under this new model. In addition, the effects of strain and pressure, hole and electron doping, the replacement of trivalent rare-earth elements, and oxygen concentration on the superconducting properties of cuprates can be consistently explained by this physical mechanism. We demonstrate that the factor 2 in Josephson current equation, in fact, is resulting from 2V, the voltage drops across the two superconductor sections on both sides of a junction, not from the Cooper pair, and the magnetic flux is quantized in units of h/e, postulated by London, not in units of h/2e. The central features of superconductivity, such as Josephson effect, the tunneling mechanism in multijunction systems, and the origin of the superconducting tunneling phenomena, as well as the magnetic flux quantization in a superconducting hollow cylinder are all physically reconsidered under this superconductivity model. Following this unified superconductivity model, one will certainly know where to find the new materials with much higher Tc, even room temperatures superconductivity, and how to make high quality superconductor devices.

Keywords: mechanism (model) of superconductivity, high Tc - superconductors, Josephson effect, tunneling mechanism, unit of magnetic flux quantization

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On Quantum Physics

Xue-Shu Zhao, Yu-Ru Ge, Xin Zhao, Hong Zhao



We propose that the Schrödinger equation results from applying the classical wave equation to describe a physical system in which subatomic particles play random motion, thereby leading to quantum mechanics. The physical reality described by the wave function is subatomic particle moving randomly. Therefore, the characteristics of quantum mechanics have a dual nature, one of them is the deterministic nature carried over from classical physics, and the other is the probabilistic nature coined by particle's random motion. Based on this model, almost all of open questions in quantum mechanics can be explained consistently, which include the particle-wave duality, the principle of quantum superposition, interference pattern of double-slit experiments, and the boundary between classical world and quantum world. The current quantum mechanics is a mixture of matrix mechanics and wave mechanics, which are sharply conflicting in principle. Matrix mechanics treats quantum particles as classical particles with fixed relation between the particle's position and its momentum. The matrix mechanics, in fact, belongs to the old quantum theory. Both Born's non-commutative relation and Heisenberg uncertainty relation originate from matrix mechanics. However, in wave mechanics, there is no any fixed relation between the particle's position and its momentum, and the particle's position and its momentum belong to immeasurable physical quantities. Therefore, there is no need for non-commutative relation and uncertainty relation in wave mechanics

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"We demonstrate that the factor 2 in Josephson equation in fact is resulting from 2V, the voltage drops in the two superconductor sections on both sides of a junction, not from 2e, the Cooper pair, and the magnetic flux is quantized in units of h/e, postulated by London, not in units of h/2e."

July 2010


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Note About This Article

As is well known, at the present the BCS theory still controls the superconductivity research field, even though it has suffered from serious and unsolvable contradictions in explaining the basic nature of superconductivity.

Any article against BCS theory is extremly difficult to publish in the mainstream journals of physics.

This paper was first submitted to the Journal of Materials Science in Sept. 12, 2009, and then a reject letter received at Dec. 5, 2009 said “ the journal receives far more manuscripts than we can accommodate in the pages available and the editors have to be highly selective when making editorial decisions. As such, it is inevitable that some manuscripts of merit will be declined. We hope that you will consider the Journal of Materials Science when preparing future manuscripts. While this is an interesting article, the subject matter is outside the scope of JMSC and it is better suited for Physical Review B or some other solid state physics journal.”

On April 5, 2010, we submitted the same manuscript to the Physical Review B. Two days later a reject letter was arrived and said: “your manuscript has been considered, we regret to inform you that we have concluded that it is not suitable for publication in any Physical Review Journal.”

Now we have decided to put this article on our website to have more criticisms from scientists all over the world. We believe that this paper has opened the door to the treasure-house of superconductivity, and the much more great works will certainly be contributed by the scientists who are constantly trying to find out the real mechanism of superconductivity. We suggest that the scientists in the superconductivity field who want to escape from the perplexed state of BCS theory read this paper. After your reading, please leave your valuable comments which would be great help for refining our understanding of the nature of superconductivity.

Note About The Senior Author

He is a retired professor .
He found for the first time, separately from D. J. Wolford, nitrogen isoelectronic traps (deep bound state) located in the conduction band of GaAs [Xue-Shu Zhao et al Chinese Physics Letters 19.1 (1984) ]
He and professor Ge, with the other two professors in RPI (Rensealer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA) first proposed carrier-induced dynamic strain effect, in 1994 [Xue-Shu Zhao, Yu-Ru Ge, J. Schroader and P.O. Persans Appl. Physics Lett. 4267,33, 1994 ]
Later further developed this effect and demonstrated that this effect is a common rule of solid state physics, which dominate the electronic and optical properties of nanosized materials [Xue-Shu Zhao, Yu-Ru Ge and Xin Zhao "Carrier-induced dynamic strain effect in semiconductor nanocrystalls", Journal of Materials Science 4267.33 (1998)]
Since 1998 he and professor Ge, with the family support, have studied physical mechanisms of superconductivity on the basis of carrier-induced dynamic strain effect.

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Does BCS theory satisfy superconductivity?

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